Masuk Daftar

kalau kalau bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "kalau kalau"
  • kalau:    if; as long as; suppose that; for example; only
  • kalau:    if; as long as; suppose that; for example; only
  • kalau:    if; as long as; suppose that; for example; only if; when; in case; maybe; could be; and then; perhaps; as for; possibly
  • kalau-kalau:    for fear that; lest; possible; potential
  • bagaimana kalau:    how about; suppose; what if?
  • kalau begitu:    in that case; then; at this/that rate; in that event; and so; so
  • kalau bukanya:    if not
  • kalau diminta:    on request
  • kalau diperlukan:    if need be
  • kalau kosong:    if empty
  • kalau perlu:    if necessary; in case of necessity; if need be; necessary
  • kalau saja:    if only
  • kalau terjadi:    in case of
  • kalau tidak:    else; except that; or; otherwise; or else; unless; if not; or even; instead
  • kecuali kalau:    unless
  • You're just saying that to see if I'm high.
    Kau barusan bilang kalau kalau aku sedang "melayang".
  • How 'bout if I just wring your scrawny neck?
    Bagaimana kalau kalau aku saja memuntir leher kurus Anda?
  • Listen, I maintain, if... if... if I want pizza,
    Dengar, aku tetap ingin, kalau... kalau aku ingin pizza,
  • All right, so... so if you're gonna do this, then
    Baiklah, kalau... kalau kamu akan melakukan ini, maka
  • In case it was my last chance.
    Kalau kalau ... ini kesempatan terakhir saya.
  • I'll just be happy knowing that... that you have one.
    Aku akan bahagia mengetahui kalau... kalau kau memilikinya.
  • What guarantee do I have that you won't harm my son?
    Apa jaminannya kalau kalau kau tak menyakiti putraku?
  • Don't forget to lock the door when you sneak out,
    Jg lupa kunci pintu kalau kalau kau menyelinap keluar,
  • Then I guess we'll have to make do with my plan.
    Kalau kalau begitu kurasa kita harus menjalankan rencanaku.
  • Come back when your balls drop!
    Kembali kalau kalau kau punya nyali.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4